Hi, I’m excited to have you here!

As social media platforms are collapsing into dystopian-ad-flooded-doom-scrolling labyrinths, it feels good to return to the purest, most personal form of digital communication: the e-mail :)

If you’re familiar with my musical journey, this is the best place to stay up-to-date about my releases, shows and projects.

If you don’t know me, my name is Claudio Donzelli, I’m a composer, songwriter and producer based in Berlin. For the past decade I’ve been touring across Europe and the US and releasing records with my band Mighty Oaks. As a solo artist I release music and perform under my name.

I make music because I’m fascinated by its mysteries and believe in its power to elude any attempt to reduce it to product, entertainment or formula. It’s a form of art that is able to permeate the emotional depths of individuals and to bring people together both in its creation and its consumption.

Expect to find regular updates here, with glimpses of my work in progress, snapshots I've captured, and musings that occupy my thoughts.

If you have any questions or simply want to say hi, you can reach me at hello@claudiodonzelli.com



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I make music to say what I cannot express with words. Everything else I write it here.


Berlin-based composer, songwriter and producer.